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19/02/2009 @ 17:15:03 lafs

`The Crime Tracer' project is Free Software. The goal of the project is the creation of an adventure electronic game. At the moment the project is in the design phase.

After the implementation of the game, you will be able to use it for any reason, to share it with your friends, and to modify and improve it (since it is Free Software and the source code will be available).

By clicking the following link `thecrimetracer` you will be transfered to the webpage of the project. There you can find more details about it.

All the pages in this website are validated as XHTML 1.0 Strict. If you are facing any problems, try to wonder if you are using a good Web browser. Do yourself a favour, and start browse happy.

The Website of the project `The Crime Tracer' by Efstathios Xatzikiriakidis, Athanasios Kasampalis is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License.